Monday, June 28, 2010

Fair Trade......HOT!!!

When you see a World Vision advertisement from the break of your favourite program, what do you think about afterwards?
"OMG that was such a lame advertisement! I wanna get back to watching Glee!" or "How much money do I have in my wallet again? 5, 7, 9 umm... $11.00. I guess that might buy that poor little kid some sunblock!"
If you chose the second option then you are putting healthy food on someone's plate, fresh water to drink and an education to last a lifetime!
Fair Trade is exactly like that. You may have seen the Fair Trade logo on your favourite choc bar or a bag of coffee beans at the supermarket, This means that when the people in Africa or India traded their cocoa beans or coffee beans they got a fair price. So yes, your chocolate may go up another dollar but isn't it worth it?
So in conclusion Anon Girls think that Fair Trade is.....HOT!!! If you agree or disagree write a comment below. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

LOL Drinks... Hot Or Not??

We have done our homework on these LOL fruit juice drinks.
These drinks may look cool and taste great but have they really got "no bad stuff"?
Right Now as we blog there are debates on whether children should drink these juices.
Apparently children starting from the age of six are drinking LOL drinks for breakfast as well as having at least 26gms of suger in each can! Schools are now trying to ban these drinks from the cafateria and the children's lunchboxes. There's even one school hiring a dietitian to instruct parents and caregivers the ingrediants in this drink!
But also these yummy drinks are great "pick-me-ups" for early risers. One 250ml can of LOL contains the same amount of energy and sugar as one 250ml carton of Golden Circle popper juice. These LOL drinks come in four fruity flavours: Bcurrent, Razz Bri, Go Mango and Tropkl. The logo is also bright, happy and friendly which makes children and teenagers become more attracted to it. No wonder six year olds are having it for breakfast!
So What do you think... Are the LOL drinks hot or not?

Wecome To Hot Or Not!

Welcome to Hot or Not!
On this blog we spill the juice about the latest "in" things and the things which are not so great!
We are gonna have such an awesome blog which you guys can follow!
So come on and learn about whats hot and whats not!
Bye for Now,
Anon Girls :D